Thursday, June 28, 2007

congrats, Brother!

My younger brother is at the moment better educated than me...He's just passed his bachelor's degree exam. I didn't have to, so I didn't;-) Sooo he's about to have nice diploma and I'm not, not within a year time at least;-) Congratulations Brother!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

home alone

I always thought that exams session makes me blog more, as I look for excuses not to study but now I see that being home alone is even a bigger stimulus:-P
The second reason is that Regula also gave sign of life, so I don't want to be worse;-)
I finished my exams and probably finished my studies (still master thesis to be written). I started internship in ING Bank, which for the time being I'm really satisfied with:-) I'm learning something new all the time, which is maybe not that surprising bearing in mind that it's my third week;-), but still... it's sooo much better than last time.
At the moment I'm really afraid of becoming a boring person, so I'm trying hard not to fall into job-sleep rythm and still parties, meetings, whatever else in the week are much welcome... I don't want my life to consist only of my work... Still last time we went for the Night in Cinema on Friday I fell asleep at the third movie ... Anyways, keep your fingers crossed for me:-) Due to all imaginable reasons...