Thursday, September 21, 2006


Dawno nie updateowałam, co się tu dzieje aiesecowo, a dzieje sie duzo. Wczoraj bylo spotkanie calego komitetu - dostalam medal za zasługi:

A dzisiaj odbyło się seminarium poświęcone oszczędzaniu energii w ramach tutejszego projektu (dla wtajemniczonych PBOXa;-) o energii o nazwie Superpower.

I haven't written anything about AIESEC activities for a long time and a lot is happenning now. Yesterday, we had the awards gala - got a medal for the best CEEDEr ever - they haven't had that many of them;-) but still it was really nice...
Today we had the Energy Seminar in the project (for some PBOX) about energy. Success!


Basia said...

Brawo Asia!
Medalistko nasza :)

Gratulacje :D

PierreF said...

Hey - i'm so glad the energy LN is starting up - i still remember the discussions we had about which one would be next... ENERGY!!!! :D YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!

congrats on the best CEEDer ever :)

Visa for poland might take some time, but rest assured, eventually I will reach your country. right now, i'm even missing Christmas in India. :(

Asia M. said...

Poland will be fun. I guarantee:-)