Tuesday, September 26, 2006

busy busy busy

Ostatnio dużo się dzieje. W poniedziałek odbył się Wieczor Europejski.Wcześniej promocja- nawet się nie przyznajcie, że nie wiecie, że to strój biskupiński (co prawda ja nie wiedziałam do niedawna;-)

Duzo ludzi przyszło, za duzo, nie bylo gdzie zatanczyc poloneza, na 8m2 nie wyszedl specjalnie imponujaco. W miedzynarodowym sklepie udalo mi sie kupic polski chleb, nie bardzo mialam pomysl na to jak go podawac, wiec tradycyjnym jedzeniem z Polski byl polski chleb z dżemem wyglądającym na polski:-) Przyznam sie, ze temat tozsamosci europejskiej studentow chinskich nie porwal...

Tańczyli ze mna studenci Katedry Jezyka Polskiego, którym prowadziłam w piątek konwersacje, dość wymiatają..


A lot have been happenning recently. First of all, on Mon there was the European night, promotion of course before it (on the picture - I had no clue how the traditional costume from Biskupin region looked like until last Wednesday;-)

A lot of people came, too many, we didn't have space to dance polonez, so it wasn't spectacular at all. I manged to buy Polish bread and served it with jam, pretending that is sthg traditionally Polish (I wasn't laying that much, they don't eat jam here and we do!) I need to say that the theme of European identity didn't seem very interesting for the Chinese..

I danced polonez with polish langage studnets, they're already quite good...


Jitu said...

What dress is that,,,whatever it is, it looks good ...:-)


PierreF said...

Ok, seriously, I missed saying bye in Beijing at your farewell (Coz I was miles away :P) Hope you had a good time... I know i definitely was. LOL.

I think red would be a much nicer colour on that dress... ;)

regula said...

hey, how are you doing? it's been a long time since i've had some news from you..

regula said...
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