Thursday, September 14, 2006


Wydawałoby sie, że Chińczycy to spokojni, pokorni ludzie...Właśnie słyszę kłótnię sąsiadów - kobiety i mężczyzny. Podejrzewam, że słyszy ich cały blok. W czasie mojego tutejszego pobytu kilkakrotnie widziałam takie sytuacje w restauracjach, na ulicy... Czy ludzie w Polsce są szczęśliwsi, czy po postu nie robia publicznie scen?
You'd say Chinese are calm, humble people.... Right at the moment I can hear neighbours' - man and woman can the whole building. I've seen the situations like that very often here - in restaurants, in the streets...Are people in Poland happier or they just don't make scenes in public?

1 comment:

MAcus said...

I saw one quarrel in Korea, it was pretty calm though. You could figure out the couple had a fight by the looks on their faces (and a quick translation of a friend of mine)... seems that people in Poland don't do it in public...

or maybe - does Asia have a stronger gender tension???