Następnego dnia odwiedziłam Plac Ludowy i Muzeum Współczesnej Sztuki Chińskiej.Obok "Spotkanie malutkich" i "10 kobiet"
Następnie odwiedziłam miejsce, gdzie odbył się pierwszy kongres komunistycznej Partii Chin, poznając nieco tło jej powstania. Oto to historyczne miejsce:Stare miasto- częśc poza strefą wpływów brytyjskich, francuskich czy jakichkolwiek- wygląda naprawdę imponująco. W świątyni bóstw opiekuńczych miasta króluje Qin.
In Szangahai I followed my eclectic taste. The first evening I visited Bund, the street on the bank of river Pu with impressive colonial bulidings with nice lights on it. The other side of the river is the special economic zone, growing rapidly Pudong with the TV tower, Oriental Pearl Tower - the symbol of Sznghai.
The next day, I found myself at the People's Square and in People's Park to find finally something interesting - Modern Art Museum with the "Chinese Aesthetivs of Heterogeneity"exhibition. Some pieces on the photos ("The meeting of the little ones" and "10 women"). After, strange combination I visited the site where the first congress of the Communist party of China took place and understood the "backgound" a little bit
The old town part(which was excluded from British, French and any other influence) is really impressive though very very turists oriented. The god Qin is taking care of the city.
The next day, I found myself at the People's Square and in People's Park to find finally something interesting - Modern Art Museum with the "Chinese Aesthetivs of Heterogeneity"exhibition. Some pieces on the photos ("The meeting of the little ones" and "10 women"). After, strange combination I visited the site where the first congress of the Communist party of China took place and understood the "backgound" a little bit
The old town part(which was excluded from British, French and any other influence) is really impressive though very very turists oriented. The god Qin is taking care of the city.
I have added some skyscrapers to mine as well :)))) Have fun !
Ive seen them,quite impressive:-) All the other people are probably laughing right now at two rednecks from Grzybowska region who are so excited about tall buildings...but who cares:-)
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